Sportschool? Werken aan een slankere en fittere jij doe je eenvoudig thuis.

Sportschool? Werken aan een slankere en fittere jij doe je eenvoudig thuis.

Geen tijd voor de sportschool? Te duur? Spannend om überhaupt met (kracht)training te beginnen? Staat de sfeer in een gym je simpelweg niet aan? Of denk je: "Ik wil wel, maar weet niet hoe." Vandaag ga ik je helpen met het zetten van die stap. Gewoon in je eigen huis. Zonder apparatuur, zonder starende blikken van andere sporters en zo samengesteld dat ook jij het kan doen. Ongeacht je niveau, doel of budget.

Een compleet programma om thuis te sporten vind je hier.
(Met een uitgebreid voedingsschema en recepten)

Laten we beginnen met de moeilijkste stap

Maar al te goed weet ik hoe moeilijk het kan zijn om met sporten te beginnen. Tegenwoordig ben ik dan wel Strength & Conditioning coach, draai ik mijn hand niet om voor survivalruns en word ik serieus blij van pull-ups, dat was vroeger wel anders. Het meisje dat moeite had met gym op school en vaak als laatste gekozen werd. Yup... that's me. De lange slungel, in de knoop met haar eigen lijf. Jarenlang werkte dat beeld tegen me. En nog steeds probeert dat kleine meisje het nog wel eens, fluisterent in mijn oor: "Je kan het niet..." En bedankt! Waarom ik dit vertel? 
In de loop der jaren leerde ik iets heel belangrijks. Dat je twee keuzes hebt: Of je luistert naar dat kleine meisje en er zal niks veranderen of je gaat stap voor stap aan de slag om een andere weg in te slaan. Excuses zijn er namelijk altijd, net als onzekerheden. Een stap zetten en jezelf de kans geven die je verdient, dat is het allerbelangrijkste begin. 

Met de tips en oefeningen die ik je vandaag ga geven, wil ik je helpen die eerste stap eenvoudiger te maken. Geen sportschool, starende blikken of een sfeer die je niet aanstaat, maar gewoon thuis. 

Aan de slag
De oefeningen die ik ga bespreken focussen zich op krachttraining. Dat betekent echter niet dat je met zware gewichten aan de slag gaat. Voornamelijk ga je werken met je eigen lichaam en lichaamsgewicht. In sommige gevallen voeg je een beetje gewicht toe. 

Met deze oefeningen kun je met mimimale tijd hele mooie resultaten boeken. Het zorgt voor meer zelfvertrouwen, helpt blessures (in huis, door werk of enventueel andere sporten) voorkomen, je houding verbeteren, beter te slapen en je zal merken dat je ook strakker in je velletje komt. Plus, misschien ben je even moe direct erna, maar de rest van de dag zul je je vitaler en fitter voelen. Lekker toch!

Een squat is één van de populairste oefeningen die er bestaat. Dat is niet voor niks. Je traint er namelijk je benen, billen en buikspieren mee. Plus, helpt ervoor te zorgen dat je op je oude dag straks ook nog soepel kunt gaan zitten en staan ;). 
Een squat is op zijn makkelijkst gezegd een kniebuiging. Per persoon is het verschillend hoe ver je (op dit moment) kunt squaten. In het volgende filmpje zie je hoe je een volledige airsquat maakt.  

Probeer de beweging eens na te doen. Hoe ver kom je? Lukt het je om balans te houden (dus niet om te vallen)? Blijven je voeten volledig op de grond, ook onderin? Zo niet? Geen nood. Probeer dan deze tussenstap. Ga zo ver als dat jou op dit moment lukt.

Doe de squat 10 keer achter elkaar in een langzaam tempo. Neem even rust tot je op adem bent. Herhaal dit 3 keer. 

Roeien met handdoek

Roeien met een handdoek is een eenvoudige manier om thuis je rusgspieren verder te versterken. Heb je de droom om jezelf op te kunnen trekken? Dan is dit een goede oefening om mee te beginnen. Daarnaast verbetert hij ook nog eens je houding.  Zorg ervoor dat je een stevige handdoek gebruikt. Plaats je voeten dichterbij jezelf om de oefening makkelijker te maken. 

Roei 10 keer achter elkaar in een langzaam tempo. Neem even rust tot je op adem bent. Herhaal dit 3 keer. 

Push-up tegen de bank of tafel

Veel dames missen nog wat kracht in hun bovenlichaam om een push-up te doen. Een eenvoudigere manier is om hem op je knieën te doen. Toch is dit voor veel mensen nog net iets te zwaar. Wanneer niet juist uitgevoerd, kan hij bovendien zorgen voor onnodige blessures. Een goede manier kan dan zijn om te starten met push-ups tegen de tafel of bank (iets zwaarder).

Drie buikspieroefeningen voor beginners

Bij buikspieren denken veel mensen meteen aan sit-ups. Toch zijn er betere én veiligere oefeningen om je buik te trainen. De volgende oefeningen zorgen naast betere buikspieren ook voor een betere stabiliteit. Niet alleen belangrijk in het dagelijks leven, maar ook interessant als je bijvoorbeeld al hardloopt of fietst. Dit helpt, net als de squats, het roeien en de push-ups je kans op blessures te verminderen. 

Houd je positie 8 seconden vast en ga langzaam terug in de startpositie. Herhaal 5 keer en neem dan even rust. Lukt 5 nog niet, doe er dan zoveel je kunt. Herhaal 3 keer. 

Hoe vaak en wanneer?

Doe deze oefeningen twee tot drie keer per week. Je bent ongeveer een kwartiertjes tot twintig minuten per keer bezig. Probeer ze op een vast moment te doen, zodat je jezelf een routine aanwend. Een zestigjarige vriendin van me doet ze direct na het opstaan, omdat er dan niks meer tussen kan komen en ze zich dan lekkerder voelt door de dag heen. Je kunt ze echter ook in de avond doen, als je wilt zelf voor de tv. Is die favoriete serie ook geen excuus meer ;). 
De oefeningen kun je perfect combineren met andere training of activiteiten, zoals hardlopen, fietsen, tennis of zwemmen. Ben je niet zo'n sportbilly? Ga dan daarnaast lekker wandelen, neem de trap in plaats van de lift, maak een langere ronde met de hond, boodschappen te voet of lekker tuinieren. Maakt niet uit. Kom in beweging en je zal merken hoe goed je jezelf erbij gaat voelen!
Maaike Rijk – coach bij LoveFitFood

In 9 weken naar een slankere, fittere en energiekere jij?

Samen met Leontien willen we jou helpen om lekker in je vel te komen. Daarom maakten we met haar het 3x3 plan. Een laagdrempelig eBook om jou stap-voor-stap te helpen.

Gedurende 3 x 3 weken komen training, voeding en mindset aan bod. Drie onderdelen die helpen om met meer energie en lekker in je vel door het leven te gaan. Per week ga je telkens een stapje verder.

Met oefeningen die je gewoon thuis kunt uitvoeren, eenvoudige recepten en tips op relaxter en effectiever met je tijd en gedachten om te gaan.

Zelf aan de slag? Koop het e-book hier

Of kijk op de 3x3 plan pagina om meer te lezen over het e-book.

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#Black magik expert and curse witchcraft specialist +27737053600 +27737053600 ** Do you feel like you are obsessed with bad spirits or do you think you have bad spirits following your back. How do you know that you are cursed? the following are some of the signs that you are either cursed or you have evil spirits following you. 1. Having bad dreams or call them night mares dreaming of ghosts dead people. 2. Seeing Shadows in your house yet you cant trace any person in the room it seems very rare but it is very common in African countries 3.Feeling people moving in your house or room yet you are alone in the house 4.Having a common disease in a family is a sign of a family curse this in most cases prevail from grands and there grand grand son or daughters it is sign of family curse 5.Producing or giving birth to an abnormal child it is a sign of being either the father or mother of the child is cursed so you should watch out for that also 6.You get job but you are always dismissed or fired for small or no reason is also a sign 7.Ladies who have periods and when it comes to conceiving they dint or they always have a miscourage or give birth to dead fetus is a sign of either the man or woman is cursed take for example a woman may stay with a man for some times but whenever she gets pregnant she either have a miscarriage or a baby doesn't live for long but when she tries another man she conceives and give birth to a bouncing health kid that means the man she was having at first was cursed 8. You are always hated by friends family members, workmates. There very many signs of being cursed so contact Human Cleansing call +27737053600 This involves cleansing of a person who due to the world we live in is exposed to so many evil practices. We live with people some of whom we regard as relatives and friends but they end up not wishing us good and instead they cast spells upon us. When people are cleansed, they feel lighter and more confident. They have more energy, are more positive, and find more clarity in their lives. HOME CLEANSING +27737053600 spiritual: Some homes are composed of, endless fights, misunderstandings and conflicts without genuine reasons for the happenings. You experience a sense of unease in certain corners or health problems. A drop in energy levels on entering the property or reluctance to spend time there .The previous occupants suffered serious health problems, divorce or bankrupt. Difficulty in selling or have just moved into your property or premises so when you experience at least one of the above then consider home cleansing Contact: Mama Shamie +27737053600

Mama Shamie, 26 maart 2024

Lost Love Spells Caster +27737053600 Most Powerful Love Spell Cast to Bring Back Your Ex Lover | Bring Back a Lost Lover Call Today If you want a spell that is solely about getting your lover back in your arms, this spell has significant energy just to do that for your love life. This spell has the ability to influence your lover to come home no matter what forces are keeping them away. Using my magical native lost love spells, I can bring back your ex-husband or ex-wife to you, if you still love them and want them back. Even if they have remarried my lost love spells will bring them back and they will love you once again. By requesting this spell; the lost love of your life could be back on their way to you now. This spell does not force love between partners. It works when there is genuine love between the two but for some unforeseen circumstance, you are now apart. I cast these advanced spells to bring back lost love where i use the supernatural power and forces to reconnect you with one specific person you want back in your existence. Bring back your ex boyfriend friend & make them commit to a relationship with you again using bring back lost love spells that will help ex lost lovers forgive each other. Losing your loved one sometimes can be inevitable but the process of getting your ex love back to you can be extremely very hard. However, that doesn’t mean that you cannot win your ex back any faster. Getting people to understand each other and create the unbreakable bond is the true work of love spells. Love spells are magically cast with the divine power to make the faded love to re-germinate with the intensive love power to overcome all the challenges. My effective bring back lost love spells are powerful within 24 hours. Dropping someone you adore is like breaking your heart in two pieces, especially when you are deeply in love with that character. Love is a vital emotion and has power to do the entirety glad and quality, however there comes a time whilst humans are deserted via their loved ones and are deceived, lied, wronged and blamed. Bring back your ex girl friend & make them commit to a relationship with you again using bring back lost love spells to make fall back in love with you. Make your ex-husband to get back with you using bring back lost love spells to make your ex husband to fall back in love with you & commit to marriage & with you again. Ex husband fall in love spells, ex boyfriend fall back in love with you love spells, ex husband commitment love spells, marriage lost love spells & relationship lost love spells. Bring back lost love spells to help ex lover resolve past difference & forgive each other for past mistakes. Capture his heart & make him yours using love spells.

Mama Shamie, 26 maart 2024

HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK! I RECOMMEND DR BOB TO ANYONE FACING DIFFICULTY IN MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP: +2347057225052 I never knew that I would ever see my lost love untill I came in contact with DR BOB  who made my dream come true by bringing my lost love back when i taught all hope was lost after trying all my best but all to no avail I just want to say thank you DR BOB for bringing my ex back to me !!! I highly recommend him to anyone who needs help. WhatsApp: +2347057225052 Email: HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK! I RECOMMEND DR BOB TO ANYONE FACING DIFFICULTY IN MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP: +2347057225052 I never knew that I would ever see my lost love untill I came in contact with DR BOB  who made my dream come true by bringing my lost love back when i taught all hope was lost after trying all my best but all to no avail I just want to say thank you DR BOB for bringing my ex back to me !!! I highly recommend him to anyone who needs help. WhatsApp: +2347057225052 Email:

Gaylene hunter, 07 januari 2024

HOW I GOT MY HUSBAND BACK! I RECOMMEND DR BOB TO ANYONE FACING DIFFICULTY IN MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP: +2347057225052 I never knew that I would ever see my lost love untill I came in contact with DR BOB  who made my dream come true by bringing my lost love back when i taught all hope was lost after trying all my best but all to no avail I just want to say thank you DR BOB for bringing my ex back to me !!! I highly recommend him to anyone who needs help. WhatsApp: +2347057225052 Email:

Gaylene hunter, 07 januari 2024

BEST AND URGENT LOVE SPELL TO GET BACK WITH YOUR EX HUSBAND/WIFE THROUGH A POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER CALLED LORD ZULU CONTACT HIM NOW FOR YOUR TESTIMONIES. CONTACT HIM ON WHATSAPP NOW +2348146326016  Hello everyone, I'm here to testify of a powerful love spell caster called lord Zulu, who helped me stabilize my relationship and solved all the problems that's been going on in my life. I was confused and devastated when my husband left me and my kids without a word, I needed him back because I love him so much, I told my friend about how he left me. She  introduced me to this powerful and reliable spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so I contacted him and he promised that in less than 24 hours he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my husband who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, I will forever be grateful to you Lord Zulu if you have any relationship problem I will advise you to contact him now for your testimonies. Contact him on WhatsApp +2348146326016 Email @ website: BEST AND URGENT LOVE SPELL TO GET BACK WITH YOUR EX HUSBAND/WIFE THROUGH A POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER CALLED LORD ZULU CONTACT HIM NOW FOR YOUR TESTIMONIES. CONTACT HIM ON WHATSAPP NOW +2348146326016  Hello everyone, I'm here to testify of a powerful love spell caster called lord Zulu, who helped me stabilize my relationship and solved all the problems that's been going on in my life. I was confused and devastated when my husband left me and my kids without a word, I needed him back because I love him so much, I told my friend about how he left me. She  introduced me to this powerful and reliable spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so I contacted him and he promised that in less than 24 hours he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my husband who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, I will forever be grateful to you Lord Zulu if you have any relationship problem I will advise you to contact him now for your testimonies. Contact him on WhatsApp +2348146326016 Email @ website: BEST AND URGENT LOVE SPELL TO GET BACK WITH YOUR EX HUSBAND/WIFE THROUGH A POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER CALLED LORD ZULU CONTACT HIM NOW FOR YOUR TESTIMONIES. CONTACT HIM ON WHATSAPP NOW +2348146326016  Hello everyone, I'm here to testify of a powerful love spell caster called lord Zulu, who helped me stabilize my relationship and solved all the problems that's been going on in my life. I was confused and devastated when my husband left me and my kids without a word, I needed him back because I love him so much, I told my friend about how he left me. She  introduced me to this powerful and reliable spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so I contacted him and he promised that in less than 24 hours he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my husband who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, I will forever be grateful to you Lord Zulu if you have any relationship problem I will advise you to contact him now for your testimonies. Contact him on WhatsApp +2348146326016 Email @ website: BEST AND URGENT LOVE SPELL TO GET BACK WITH YOUR EX HUSBAND/WIFE THROUGH A POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER CALLED LORD ZULU CONTACT HIM NOW FOR YOUR TESTIMONIES. CONTACT HIM ON WHATSAPP NOW +2348146326016  Hello everyone, I'm here to testify of a powerful love spell caster called lord Zulu, who helped me stabilize my relationship and solved all the problems that's been going on in my life. I was confused and devastated when my husband left me and my kids without a word, I needed him back because I love him so much, I told my friend about how he left me. She  introduced me to this powerful and reliable spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so I contacted him and he promised that in less than 24 hours he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my husband who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, I will forever be grateful to you Lord Zulu if you have any relationship problem I will advise you to contact him now for your testimonies. Contact him on WhatsApp +2348146326016 Email @ website: BEST AND URGENT LOVE SPELL TO GET BACK WITH YOUR EX HUSBAND/WIFE THROUGH A POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER CALLED LORD ZULU CONTACT HIM NOW FOR YOUR TESTIMONIES. CONTACT HIM ON WHATSAPP NOW +2348146326016  Hello everyone, I'm here to testify of a powerful love spell caster called lord Zulu, who helped me stabilize my relationship and solved all the problems that's been going on in my life. I was confused and devastated when my husband left me and my kids without a word, I needed him back because I love him so much, I told my friend about how he left me. She  introduced me to this powerful and reliable spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so I contacted him and he promised that in less than 24 hours he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my husband who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, I will forever be grateful to you Lord Zulu if you have any relationship problem I will advise you to contact him now for your testimonies. Contact him on WhatsApp +2348146326016 Email @ website: BEST AND URGENT LOVE SPELL TO GET BACK WITH YOUR EX HUSBAND/WIFE THROUGH A POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER CALLED LORD ZULU CONTACT HIM NOW FOR YOUR TESTIMONIES. CONTACT HIM ON WHATSAPP NOW +2348146326016  Hello everyone, I'm here to testify of a powerful love spell caster called lord Zulu, who helped me stabilize my relationship and solved all the problems that's been going on in my life. I was confused and devastated when my husband left me and my kids without a word, I needed him back because I love him so much, I told my friend about how he left me. She  introduced me to this powerful and reliable spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so I contacted him and he promised that in less than 24 hours he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my husband who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, I will forever be grateful to you Lord Zulu if you have any relationship problem I will advise you to contact him now for your testimonies. Contact him on WhatsApp +2348146326016 Email @ website: BEST AND URGENT LOVE SPELL TO GET BACK WITH YOUR EX HUSBAND/WIFE THROUGH A POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER CALLED LORD ZULU CONTACT HIM NOW FOR YOUR TESTIMONIES. CONTACT HIM ON WHATSAPP NOW +2348146326016  Hello everyone, I'm here to testify of a powerful love spell caster called lord Zulu, who helped me stabilize my relationship and solved all the problems that's been going on in my life. I was confused and devastated when my husband left me and my kids without a word, I needed him back because I love him so much, I told my friend about how he left me. She  introduced me to this powerful and reliable spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so I contacted him and he promised that in less than 24 hours he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my husband who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, I will forever be grateful to you Lord Zulu if you have any relationship problem I will advise you to contact him now for your testimonies. Contact him on WhatsApp +2348146326016 Email @ website: BEST AND URGENT LOVE SPELL TO GET BACK WITH YOUR EX HUSBAND/WIFE THROUGH A POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER CALLED LORD ZULU CONTACT HIM NOW FOR YOUR TESTIMONIES. CONTACT HIM ON WHATSAPP NOW +2348146326016  Hello everyone, I'm here to testify of a powerful love spell caster called lord Zulu, who helped me stabilize my relationship and solved all the problems that's been going on in my life. I was confused and devastated when my husband left me and my kids without a word, I needed him back because I love him so much, I told my friend about how he left me. She  introduced me to this powerful and reliable spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so I contacted him and he promised that in less than 24 hours he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my husband who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, I will forever be grateful to you Lord Zulu if you have any relationship problem I will advise you to contact him now for your testimonies. Contact him on WhatsApp +2348146326016 Email @ website:

cecec, 26 juli 2023

is er ook een gewoon boek hiervan , dus geen E-boek ?

henriette ramaekers, 14 maart 2016

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